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Re: MAME: Einstein Emulation

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 7:05 am
by andy_rea
Interesting... is there an idiots guide to using the debugger ?

Regards Andy

Re: MAME: Einstein Emulation

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 12:50 pm
by Pernod
andy_rea wrote: Thu Nov 07, 2019 7:05 am Interesting... is there an idiots guide to using the debugger ?
It's not an idiots guide, but the official documentation is at

Re: MAME: Einstein Emulation

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 1:49 pm
by sirmorris
Hi Andy.

Set up mame in the usual way, with roms and all.
Start mame from the command line, mame einstein -debug
The debugger has a command line/box
> g
... will make it GO!
Hit return in the command line to make the emulation stop
> g [address]
... will go as far as address then stop

To run a tattie COM file without having to build a disk image:

start mame
> g
tattie boots, when prompt appears type 'g 100' on tattie
debugger will break at address 100H
> load comfilename,100
> g

That'll get you going, use the built-in help for the rest.

Re: MAME: Einstein Emulation

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 11:13 am
by sirmorris
So, it works up to a point. There are still hangs but fewer now. One thing I have a hard time with is the memory view, which only seems to show the ROM even when RAM is paged in.

Start mame
$ ./mame64 -debug einstein

Start the emulation from the debugger, with a temp. breakpoint at $100
g 100

On the einstein use the MOS to jump to $100
>G 100

While stopped at the breakpoint go to the Debug menu and pop open a new memory window. The available views are Z80 :i001 program space, and IO space. program space is showing the content of the ROM despite the fact that RAM is now paged in. This is mame on a Mac. PC procedures may differ.

Is this something that can be fixed? I don't have a clue where to start in the mame source, it's a maze of twisty passages, all alike. Where could I start looking?

Re: MAME: Einstein Emulation

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 11:21 am
by vanpeebles
Have you tried typing xyzzy? :lol:

Re: MAME: Einstein Emulation

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 12:11 pm
by Pernod
sirmorris wrote: Fri Nov 08, 2019 11:13 am While stopped at the breakpoint go to the Debug menu and pop open a new memory window. The available views are Z80 :i001 program space, and IO space. program space is showing the content of the ROM despite the fact that RAM is now paged in. This is mame on a Mac. PC procedures may differ.
This does seem odd and unexpected, on a PC I see RAM in the Z80 program space at this point.

In the memory window you can also select 'RAM/:ram/0/m_pointer' to always show RAM.

Re: MAME: Einstein Emulation

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 1:21 pm
by sirmorris
I think the mac build is a little bit special. Perhaps it's just how I build it. I'll check google for an official (or at least competent :roll:) mac build.

@vanpeebles :lol:

Re: MAME: Einstein Emulation

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 7:52 am
by Lardo Boffin
How do I go about downloading and installing the MAME emulator for the Tatung? Either Mac or PC - whichever is easiest.

I have never seen / used either. :shock:

Re: MAME: Einstein Emulation

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 7:55 am
by Lardo Boffin
And once up and running are there tools to drag in files to disc images etc.?

I have written a highly dubious and irritating text adventure in BBC Basic that I thought I would try to port to the tatty BBC Basic. :lol:

Re: MAME: Einstein Emulation

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 6:03 pm
by Pernod
Lardo Boffin wrote: Sat Feb 15, 2020 7:52 am How do I go about downloading and installing the MAME emulator for the Tatung? Either Mac or PC - whichever is easiest.
Download from

Documentation at

Attached are the romsets required for Einstein emulation, just copy them to your mame/roms folder (do not unzip).
Lardo Boffin wrote: Sat Feb 15, 2020 7:55 am And once up and running are there tools to drag in files to disc images etc.?

I have written a highly dubious and irritating text adventure in BBC Basic that I thought I would try to port to the tatty BBC Basic. :lol:
Not sure how you would do that, maybe someone else has some ideas?